The Gleaner, North America April 11, 2024 - May 11, 2024

11 ABOUT THE COUNCIL (GLDC) The Global Jamaica Diaspora Council (GJDC) is the successor to the Jamaica Diaspora Advisory Board (DAB). Its conception arose out of the need to strengthen the mechanisms responsible for enhancing Diaspora engagement and expand the reach and participation of members of the Diaspora globally. The further need to align the goals, pillars and focus areas outlined in the National Diaspora Policy with the role, function and activities of the Council was also imperative.The framework for the GJDC was endorsed by the Diaspora Advisory Board and the attendees at the 8th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference held in Kingston, Jamaica 16th – 19th June, 2019. The GJDC is one of the principal organs of the National Diaspora Policy with the responsibility to create modalities to realize the goals of the Policy. This is with a view to significantly contribute to national development in wide-ranging sectors such as: 1. Education 2. Health 3. Agriculture 4. Environment 5. The Arts, Sports, and Culture 6. Citizen Security 7. Development Expertise 8. Faith-Based Community 9. Commerce The responsibilities of the Council include the conceptualization and recommendation of support systems and administrative initiatives to enhance collaboration between Jamaicans at home and those living overseas. In that regard, engagement with the Jamaican Diaspora remains an essential priority of the Government of Jamaica and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. MEMBERSHIP IN THE COUNCIL To allow for greater inclusivity of Jamaicans living across the globe, the GJDC comprises 30 members, who serve voluntarily. The governance structure of the Council is led and supported by the Chairperson, who is the Minister of State with Responsibility for Diaspora Affairs within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; a Vice-Chair, appointed from among the Diaspora; the Under-Secretary for Diaspora, Protocol and Consular Affairs; and the Director of the Diaspora Affairs Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. MEMBERSHIP IN THE COUNCIL CONTINUED The GJDC will comprise of 14 elected members from across the Diaspora communities in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States of America.The remaining 16 members are appointed from the Diaspora and Jamaica, by the Minister with responsibility for Diaspora Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, following their election or selection to the Council. There are three categories of appointments: (i) appointments according to regions, (ii) appointments according to sectors and (iii) a discretionary appointment. Six (6) members are appointed following a selection process from regions not currently represented through the electoral process, namely: Africa; Asia and the Pacific; Latin America; the Caribbean; Europe (excluding the United Kingdom); and the Middle East. Nine (9) members are appointed through a selection process to join the GJDC according to their respective areas of expertise in: Arts, Sport, and Culture; Citizen Security; Commerce; Development Issues; Education; Faith-based Community; Health and Wellness; Agriculture; and Environment. The final member of the Council is a discretionary appointment. The Governance Structure of the GJDC is guided by the GJDC Terms of Reference. The members of the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council (GJDC) are elected to serve on a voluntary basis for a period of three years. Fourteen (14) members of the GJDC are elected from within the three major locations which contain the largest Jamaican Diaspora populations, namely: the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada. An election process is conducted at the end of the three- year tenure to choose the candidates that will serve to conduct the overall impetus of the Councils- ‘deepening Diaspora engagement with Jamaica.’The election process for membership to the GJDC is conducted by an independent electoral committee, in consultation with the relevant Jamaican Overseas Mission(s) in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Canada. HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE GJDC The Election Process for Membership to the GJDC will occur every three years, at the end of each term. During the elections, members of the Diaspora who meet the eligibility criteria for membership to the Council are encouraged to submit: a Nominators Declaration Form, a Nominee Consent Form, a Nominee Declaration Statement of Qualification Form, a person profile and photograph, during the election period. All nominations will be reviewed by an electoral committee in each region. If the nomination is accepted by the electoral committee, then nominees will be allowed a period to campaign for their candidacy to the Council. The candidate that receives the most votes will be appointed to the GJDC for the region in which they reside. Please see the table below which details the GJDC territories according to the various region. It is critical to ensure the election process provides a transparent, orderly, fair, and systemized way to allow qualified members of the Jamaican Diaspora to offer themselves for service. For more information on the election process of the GJDC, please visit ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE GLOBAL JAMAICA DIASPORA COUNCIL a) Be Jamaican or of Jamaican descent. b) Be At least 21 years old. c) Have no criminal convictions imposed on him/her by any court. d) Have never been adjudged or otherwise declared bankrupt by any court or financial institution. e) Have no pending litigation proceedings against him/her; and f) Possess expertise/experience in one of the following: i. Socio-economic Engagement and Involvement. ii. Human Exchanges, Transfers and Philanthropic initiatives. iii. Integration and Reintegration. iv. Safety and Security. v. Governance. vi. Engagement of Diaspora Youth and Young Adults. vii. Diaspora Tourism and Cultural Exchanges. viii. Legislation and Policy Reform; and ix. Data and Information g) Be either properly resident in the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom or in Jamaica. QUICK LINK Coming in the MAY Edition: The Global Council by Region, Territory, the various levels of leadership and service, the sector-specific resource persons at your service and what to expect at the conference. REFERENCE: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Website, Jamaica. KNOW….BEFORE YOU GO…! GLOBAL JAMAICA DIASPORA COUNCIL (GJDC) AND THE GLOBAL JAMAICA DIASPORA YOUTH COUNCIL (GJYC) -CONTRIBUTED BY DR BINZIE ROY DAVIDSON, PRESIDENT OF CARIBBEAN CRICKET CLUB OF LOS ANGELES, INC. ALL PRESIDENTS, PERSONS IN LEADERSHIP IN THE VARIOUS JAMAICAN ORGANIZATIONS& ASSOCIATIONS, BUSINESS ASSOCIATES AND SUPPORTERS, ARE INVITED TO THE 10TH BIENNIAL CONFERENCE IN MONTEGO BAY, AT THE CONVENTION CENTER, ROSE HALL, ON JUNE 16-19, 2024. JAMAICA, LAND WE LOVE. Jamaicans from the Diaspora are welcomed at the biennial conference, Jamaica Conference center, Kingston, by then Minister of Natuional security Robert Montaque. - Photo courtesy of Derrick Scott, Embassy of Jamaica/USA GLOBAL GATHERING. Her Excellency, Audrey Marks (at podium, left), Jamaica’s Ambassador to the USA, has the attention of conference attendees during a break out session at the Diaspora Conference, at the Jamaica Conference center, Kingston. - Photo courtesy of Derrick Scott, Embassy of Jamaica/USA THE MONTHLY GLEANER | APRIL 11 - MAY 11, 2024 | | ADVERTISEMENT