The Gleaner NA
FREE | PAGES: 40 | SIGN UP FOR OUR EPAPER AT DECEMBER 13 - DECEMBER 19, 2021 | VOL 347 DECEMB R 13, 2021 - JANUARY 2, 2 Scores of persons turnedupat Emancipation Park inNewKingstonon Sunday to enjoy the Christmas lights anddecorations. With a few days to go before Christmas, the park opens until 8 o’clock nightly under COVID-19 restrictions. GLADSTONE TAYLOR/MULTIMEDIA PHOTO EDITOR RELIEF! Industry mourns Robbie Shakespeare, one-half of Ja’s internationally famous Riddim Twins, Sly and Robbie Curfewrestrictions relaxed for theholidays J’cans in the diasporapress for Marley tobenamed national hero >P.2 >P.3 Even as a projected fourth wave of COVID-19 looms large for the new year, Prime Minister Andrew Holness’ announcement of a shortening of the daily curfew hours during the Christmas season has received widespread support from the parliamentary Opposition, and health and business experts. With the recent announcement by Barbados of 33-year- old pop superstar Rihanna as a national hero, Jamaicans in the diaspora have started to amplify calls for ‘Reggae King’ Bob Marley to be installed as the eighth national hero of Jamaica. P37 With best wishes for the Christmas season and the new year! The Gleaner Company (Media) Ltd
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