North America Branded Content Edition

8 NEW YORK, NY: B EFORE THE corona virus pan- demic stopped the world in its tracks, holiday seekers were flocking to the Caribbean and Jamaica in particular for that excursion of a lifetime. For many, it was more than ‘sun- shine, sea, and sand’ and everything in between. It was about the all-in- clusive experience, gift-wrapped with the unmatched hospitality of a people whose livelihood depended on tourism. Growing up on the island, Neca Bryan was taking copious notes while living the experience. She is now put- ting her lifelong experiences to good use. She knows that ‘caring is sharing’, and with the available technology, that dynamic is just a click away. Welcome to ISLANDGUIDE JA, the hospitalitymarketing and promotions company and IslandGuideJa, the app that’s a map! As Bryan explains it, “Jamaica is a leading global destination filled with wonderful people, delicious food, sun all year, beautiful beaches, and a vi- brant culture. This app - IslandGuide JA - is created to merge technology and tourism, the lifeblood of Jamaica”. “Jamaica’s leading tourism industry will be more groundbreaking through a modern and virtual approach that is available to both the consumer (tour- ist) and supplier (Jamaican businesses and industries). It will capitalise on the benefits of technology by using it to navigate the Jamaican landscape thus making it more authentic, accessible, palatable, and convenient for the con- sumer and supplier.” Conceptualised in 2019, this easy- to-use application is designed to give visitors and residents a guide to the island, in real time, on their own time, an authentic experience of a lifestyle and a culture that is second to none, globally. And if that’s not enough, the con- cept also incorporates the many and varied services allied to the industry. Service providers have the option to list their business on a platform that will be visited and viewed by millions looking and searching for that ideal vacation destination. Bryan describes herself as “a very passionate, personal ambassador for Jamaican culture and lifestyles”. As a Jamaican entrepreneur, she exudes and represents Brand Jamaica in her daily life, hence the creation of this app to further assist in promoting the hidden beauty of this gem called Jamaica. She hails from Portland and Trelawny - two parishes that boast Jamaica’s rich culture and beauty. She is a graduate of the University of the West Indies (UWI) and currently resides in New York. ISLANDGUIDE JA, THE ‘APP’ THAT’S A MAP! Neca Bryan CONTRIBUTED Konoko Falls. FILE A breathtaking view of Jamaica’s Rio Grande river rafting. FILE THE WEEKLY GLEANER | JANUARY 6 - 31, 2022 | | NEWS