The Gleaner, North American June 2-30 2022

5 Dr. GeorgeWille – AFUWI Deputy Chair & Chair of The Fund and Friend Raising Committee addresses attendees at the AFUWI 25th annual awards gala. CONTRIBUTED GK AND GNA AT AFUWI GALA: From left; Omar Hawthorne, director of franchising operations/ Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill; Normadelle Rose, Office Manager/Gleaner USA; Aubrey Campbell, Advertising Coordinator/GleanerUSA and Lorna Hawthorne, President-Lowell F. Hawthorne Foundation, at the 25th Annual Legacy Awards Gala put on by the American Foundation for The University of the West Indies (AFUWI), on April 21, in Manhattan. PHOTO BY LEONARD MCKENZIE From left: Hoshane Langley (AFUWI scholarship recipient), Maria Browne (first lady of Antigua and Barbuda), Prince Browne, Gaston A. Browne (Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda), Devi Seitaram (AFUWI scholarship recipient), Sir Hilary Beckles (vice chancellor – The University of the West Indies), Beverly Hunter (SNR. Administrative officer – UWI), Vernique Miller (AFUWI scholarship recipient) and Dr. Cyrus McCalla (AFUWI board chair) at The AFUWI 25th anniversary gala held on April 21 at 583 Park Avenue in New York City. PHOTO BY MARGOT JORDAN THE WEEKLY GLEANER | MAY 5 - 31, 2022 | | PICTORIAL THE AMERICAN Foundation for The University of the West Indies (AFUWI) held its 25th Anniversary Gala in New York City on Thursday. Among the award recipients were Jamaican business executive and GraceKennedy CEO Don Wehby who received its Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in global business leadership, and the GraceKennedy Group the AFUWI Corporate Award for Global Business Excellence. Antigua & Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston A. Browne and St Kitts & Nevis Prime Minister Dr Timothy J. Harris were presented with the AFUWI Legacy Awards, while the Vice-Chancellor’s Award went to Premier of Nevis Dr Mark A. Brantley. See highlights. AFUWI gala 2022 5 NEW YORK, NY: JAMAICANS AT home and abroad are being encouraged to remain steadfast in their vision of achieving spiritual renewal and transformation as the nation marks a significant milestone – the 60th anniversary of Independence. That is the focus of the Jamaica Diaspora Day of Prayer and Fasting, a consortium of Jamaican clergy, along with Christian and community leaders, who founded the prayer movement in New York City in 2004. The annual day of prayer and fasting, scheduled for Saturday, July 30, at 12 noon, EDT, will be more than a time of prayer, praise and worship, coming against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 health crisis and the many challenges facing the island nation at this time. Event organisers are hoping that Jamaicans everywhere will take time to not only celebrate the milestone of nationhood, but also the need for a renewed sense of hope through prayer. The call to prayer, led by pastors and leaders chosen from across the regions, will run for about 30 minutes. The multidimensional service includes prayer, messages of inspiration, and music. Persons may watch and participate on a number of social media platforms, including live-streaming via Facebook. Online donations will be accepted for charitable endeavours in Jamaica. Churches and community leaders wishing to participate may call IPMI at 718-241-2162. THE GRAND Concourse Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Bronx has had its COVID -19 outreach programme, funded by the NewYork City Health Department, extended for an additional six months. The church, in conjunction with the Fund for Public Health in New York and the NewYork City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, has been undertaking a public education campaign to get the word out on COVID-19 and vaccination against the virus since August last year. Under the programme, the church will continue to hand out masks, sanitizers and test kits, with volunteers advising the public about COVID-19 protocol and available centres to access vaccination. A spokesman for the church said that while they will be working on providing up-to-date information and resources to those situated in the 10452 zip code, the mission is to reach as many persons in the community as possible. “Through this progamme, we will be working to address vaccine resistance in our community,” the spokesman said. As a long-standing pillar of the Highbridge/Grand Concourse community, the church’s desire is to provide factual, scientific information to the public regarding COVID-19. “It is with that goal that we intend to educate and encourage all members of the community to stay informed about the virus and the protections available,” said the spokesman. The Grand Concourse Seventh-day Church has been in existence for more than 40 years and serves a population of several hundred persons. The church has a rich history of social outreach in the community and engages in a number of programmes aimed at improving the lives of parishioners. NYC Health Department extends funding for church’s outreach project Focus on renewing hope for 18th annual Diaspora Day of Prayer Culture, Gender and Sport Minister Olivia Grange receives a warm welcome from The Rev Michael Ward, pastor of the Holy Family Episcopal Church in Miami Gardens, at the service to launch Jamaica 60 Independence anniversary activities in South Florida recently. Looking on are Jamaica’s consul general in Miami, Oliver Mair and special adviser to Minister Grange, Ali McNab. DERRICK SCOTT THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JUNE 2 - 30, 2022 | | NEWS