11 think through life and athletics after school. They decided there and then that a track club, the first of its kind in the resort capital, was a good option. “It is safe to say (that) there is not a substantial discussion on track and field athletics in Jamaica without some mention of the names Donald Quarrie and Veronica Campbell Brown, and so we are delighted that they have accepted our invitation to be recognised at this time,”offered Michael Campbell, a former manager/coach of the running club in Montego Bay and now the international president, based out of Atlanta, Georgia. The event falls on the big Memorial Day holiday weekend in the USA, and Nova Perrin, planning committee chair, is excited that past and present members, their families, close associates and friends of the Comets Club organisation will have a fun time at Antun’s. “All things considered, our two honourees are trailblazers in every sense of the word, and the Comets Club organisation is delighted that they have accepted our invitation to be recognised for their body of work at this stage,” noted Perrin The awards ceremony aside, patrons will be treated to a full course Caribbean entrée and entertainment by True Tribute All-Stars, a five-member ensemble led by musicologist and saxophonist LeRoy Graham. Popular DJ Binghy (Ayon Kellier) of KillaStar Sound will entertain at dance time. Tickets for the event are on sale at www.cometsathleticsinternationalclub.org, or by calling 302-339-0786, and must be purchased on or before Friday, May 13. The True Tribute All Stars ensemble, with LeRoy Graham, Jr (right) on saxophone, will perform at the event. THE WEEKLY GLEANER | MAY 5 - 31, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | NEWS Donald Quarrie