11 JAMAICA’S 60TH anniversary of Independence represents a critical milestone for Jamaica. Our ancestors came to the shores of Jamaica, not through naturalisation or as tourists, but as chattels relegated to a life of enslavement as property, stripped of their names, humanity, and dignity under a brutal system of violence and oppression. On August 6, 1962, most Jamaicans voted in favour of Independence, braving a path for a new Jamaica free of British rule and detrimental influences. The moment of Jamaica’s choosing its independence has etched an indelible mark on the Caribbean. The call for independence resulted from the demands for liberation and justice to the oppressive financial, social, and political constraints of the times. Emancipation Day reminds us that we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors and heroes who endured the brutality of slavery and, inmany cases, sacrificed their lives to win the fight for freedom. We owe them a tremendous debt; to live productive and impactful lives free from any form of slavery – whether physical, economic, or mental. Independence Day reminds us that, as a nation and people, we have much to give God thanks for as Jamaica celebrates 60 years under the theme ‘Reigniting a Nation for Greatness’. However, we must not waver in our efforts to truly become an independent nation by extricating ourselves from Britain, i.e. becoming a democratic republic and removing the Queen as head of state. Jamaica at 60 represents a critical juncture in our national development. Like our ancestors and heroes, Jamaica at 60 represents a critical juncture in our national development Dunkley jamaica at we must reignite Jamaica for greatness because we owe it to our children to secure a future free from debt and filled with the promise of physical, emotional, and economic security. One love! One people! God bless Jamaica! Dr Karren Dunkley Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative, Northeast USA THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE Programs 1. Au Futur Program (Young Mothers) 2. Footsteps Program 3. Adult Basic Education Program 4. Brilliant Minds Program (Tutoring) 5. Food Bank 6. Tax Clinic Services 1. Immigration Documents 2. Space Rental 3. Community Service Program 4. Licensed Restaurant “Cool Runnings” 5. Licensed Bar “Negril” 6. A safe place to gather with friends A) Board of Directors 1. Mark Henry, President, mhenry@jam-montreal.com, 514-238-2659 2. Sharon Nelson, 1st Vice President, sharon.nelson@jam-montreal.com, 438-507-9258 3. Alexander Townsend, 2nd Vice President, 514-737-8229 4. Melrose Christopher, Treasurer, jamtreasurer@outlook.com, 514-737-8229 5. Ingrid Barrett, Secretary, secretary@jam-montreal.com, 514-737-8229 6. Uton Lynch, Director, 514-737-8229 7. Clyde Williams, Director, IT, 514-737-8229 8. Roger Hylton, Director, Security & Entertainment, 514-737-8229 9. Conroy Barnes, Director, Games, Sports, & Recreation, 514-737-8229 B) Committees & Chairs 1. Jamaica Association Business Owners & Professionals (JABOP), Molly Young 2. Membership Committee, Sharon Nelson 3. Social Committee, Alexander Townsend 4. Women’s Auxiiary (WA), Sharon Nelson 5. Building Committee, Mark Henry 6. Youth Committee, Jade Parkinson-Gayle, jamyouthrep@gmail.com 7. Senior Committee, Shelley Morgan, jamsenior1962@gmail.com 8. Human Resources, Omar Ramus, jamhumanresources1962@gmail.com C) Staff Contacts 1. Diane Boyd, Managing Director, jammanagingdirector@gmail.com Banquet Manager, jambarbanquetgmail.com, 438-390-7763 2. Kim Payton, Coordinator, Programs & Services jamprogramservices@jam-montreal.com, 514-737-8229 3. Keisha Wilson, Bar Manager, jambarservices@gmail.com, 514-737-8229 4. Winston “Pick” Richards, Chef, 514-737-8229 5. Donna-Angella Stewart, Coordinator, Au Futur Program aufuturprogram@gmail.com, 438-499-8229 Contact info: PHONE: 514-737-8229 • WEB: jam-montreal.com • EMAIL: info@jam-montreal.com • FB: facebook/jamaicaassociationmontreal * INSTAGRAM: jamaicaassociationmontreal • YOUTUBE: Jamaica Association of Montreal ASSOCIATION JAMAICAINE DE MONTREAL INS. We Grow Because We Serve!